
Author services


We want to help you make your story what it is meant to be.
Whether you’re stuck in the process or simply want to level up, there’s something that will fit your needs and budget.


Reclaim Your Author Career

Build a career worth celebrating in 2024.

Grab your copy of Reclaim Your Author Career today.

What authors like you are saying about Reclaim Your Author Career:

★★★★★ "There is so much noise out there when it comes to indie publishing. This one book cuts through all of it to lay out the simplest of plans to keep an author on track publishing books that their readers will devour—all while keeping them sane and approaching each book with renewed energy." -Paula

★★★★★ "This book was the key for me [...] I now totally understand why my books haven't 'taken off' despite trying everything I could and writing in hot genres. I wasn't writing to my personality. At all. WOW. I feel like I've been hit upside the head with a stack of books and I'm so excited." -Kindle Reader

★★★★★  “I was feeling very discouraged in my path as an author and now I’m super pumped.”
— Jenny

The Liberated Writer 5-Week Course

Get clarity on how you want your writing career to serve your life.

The trick to longevity in this industry is simple: stay in it.

And the only way to do that is to stay connected to your writing and yourself so that you learn the signs of burnout and cultivate the knowledge, self-love, and boundaries to make the changes necessary before that happens.


5-Day Indie Author Supercharge

Stop wasting energy in your career by getting your author strategy aligned.


Supercharge Your Story

Falling out of love with your story? Start supercharging your story and yourself with these 7 tips (plus a bonus tip!)


Supercharge Your Series

Save energy and your sanity on your next series by learning how to supercharge the main aspects of your next series. Great for pantsers and plotters alike!


Workshops & Masterclasses

Workshops and masterclasses are live online events with multiple authors that cover topics in-depth and include an interactive component. Some classes do have pre-requisites. Click a topic to read more about it.


The Story Alignment

Writer’s block? Battling with an unruly scene? Ready to take your story from enjoyable to a reader favorite? You’re an hour-long call away. And at a great price, you can easily incorporate it into your writing process for every new project.


The Author Alignment

Is the indie publishing life exhausting you? Are your writing efforts not getting you as far as you think they should? This one-hour call can clear away the fog and frustration and get you on the path toward career fulfillment.



The Story Nerds

Become one of the Story Nerds when you sign up for writing motivation and mindset tips straight to your inbox.


FFS on YouTube

Quick tips and inspiration to keep you on track in your indie author alignment and supercharging. Subscribe to stay up to date.