
Ready to take your stories from great to unforgettable?

Supercharge Your Story is the secret weapon you’ve been looking for.

With more than thirty fantasy books under my belt, you might not think I’d need a course like Supercharge Your Story. But I always look for ways to make my stories better and this fits the bill no matter where you are on your author journey. Claire’s course helped me dial my storytelling all the way past 10 to 11.
— Jamie Davis, author of the Extreme Medical Services series
The easy-to-use Teachable interface helps you track your progress as you master the content.

The easy-to-use Teachable interface helps you track your progress as you master the content.

The course includes:

  • A video introduction to the concepts

  • 7 Supercharging tips + 1 bonus

  • 3+ hours of information-rich video lessons

  • Actionable homework for each tip

  • A final video wrap-up to tie it all together

  • Additional Deep Dive videos into complex and special topics

  • Q&A videos, updated as questions come in

  • Recommended reading and viewing to further learning

  • Access to private Facebook group for direct feedback from instructor

All for a one-time price of $299

“This class made me feel super excited about writing my next manuscript, and more motivated about my self publishing business in general.
— Bonnie Wiegand, author of paranormal cozy mysteries

Still not sure? Check out a mini-lesson on One-Word Theme for free ☟

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(You'll also receive expert storytelling tips from Claire, FFS Media's fiction strategist, straight to your inbox.)